A collaborative effort bringing together individuals and organizations to revolutionize healthcare delivery and community well-being in Western Pennsylvania and beyond.







Welcome Executive Champion

As a SparkPittsburgh Executive Champion you position your business at the forefront of healthcare innovation and economic development in Western Pennsylvania. For nearly 20 years, we’ve championed wellness and personal growth through our online community app, Fit City activity challenge.

Now, we're inviting visionary leaders and executives to partner the SparkPittsburgh Initiative and help drive healthcare transformation with proven solutions that drive both savings and better care. We will then collectively reinvest those savings into critical community programs.

What is next?

We will explore how we can leverage proven local solutions such as PeopleOne Health, whose advanced primary care model has reduced local companies healthcare costs by up to 30% and patient expenses by up to $1,200, all while providing better outcomes and experience as is evident from their 97 patient NPS score.

By leveraging these powerful solutions, we can expand benefits region-wide, significantly reducing healthcare's economic impact. Together, we'll vastly grow our 12,000-patient capacity for advanced primary care, enhancing Western Pennsylvania's business edge.

By participating in this initiative, you'll champion channeling substantial savings into impactful programs like workforce development  and education, directly contributing to the economic vitality of our region. Inspired by the success of Rosen Hotels and Resorts in Orlando—where prioritizing primary care saved over $500M and was reinvested into impactful community and educational initiatives— by replicating this roadmap, we can make similar strides in Western Pennsylvania.

Together, we can foster a healthier workforce, promote a culture of wellbeing, and create sustainable economic growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to know

What is the SparkPittsburgh Initiative?

Our mission is to bring together an alliance of individuals and organizations who work together to transform healthcare in Western Pennsylvania and beyond.

Now, we're taking our mission further by coming together to contribute in reshaping healthcare by making it more patient centered and on focused treatment and prevention. This type of care should be accessible to everyone because when you take better care of people, they stay healthy - and we all save money.

If we collectively leveraging these savings to support and accelerate community programs, we can realize a healthier, vibrant, and more prosperous Western Pennsylvania. 

How do I become and Executive Champion?

Most likely, you have been recruited by one of our Advisory Council Members who know you have what it takes to further our mission. If you have found this exciting opportunity on your own you can learn more about the role of an Executive Champion below.

If you decide to stand with us, reach out to our SparkPittsburgh Initiative Lead, Ryan Jerico.

email (
phone: 724-809-9188

Where is the logical starting point for healthcare transformation?

It all begins with Primary Care.

One of the best performing employee health plans in the country was built by Rosen Hotels and Resorts in Orlando. They built their innovative healthcare plan with primary care at the center. This allowed employees to have care guided by their doctor with few to no barriers to access. As a result, employees got healthier and Rosen Hotels saved millions of dollars. 

Rosen has since sought to replicate their success for other companies. This lead them to partnering with Pittsburgh based PeopleOne Health as the turnkey solution.

PeopleOne's value-based care model delivers world class healthcare and significant savings for members of employer sponsored health plans. Often 30% per member, per year as validated by independent actuaries. 

Scheduling time to meet one of our physicians and tour a local office will give you a look into our transformational model.  

What makes a value-based primary model unique?

Healthcare bloat is caused by misaligned incentives. In order to drive real transformation and savings we must move from the current volume-based healthcare approach to a value-based, patient centered arrangement.

In the case of Pittsburgh's PeopleOne Health, they combines a comprehensive network of community clinics and services with personalized care and cost-effective benefits with the only payment being a predictable, capitated Per Member Per Month fee structure.  This makes healthcare more accessible and affordable for all employees. This drives significant savings for employers and an unmatched patient experience.

PeopleOne boasts a performance guarantee backed material return on investment and a NPS score of more than 97, which is unheard of in the healthcare industry. 

Simply put, when you take better care of people, they get healthier and their care costs drastically less. 

How can I share more information about the initiative with my network

You can simply direct people to  


The Role of a SPARKPITTSBURGH Executive Champion

As an Executive Champion you're able to help  to drive economic success while gaining recognition and support for your company. This is a powerful and simple way to make a significant impact on our community, with a few straightforward commitments that bring substantial rewards.
We ask our Spark Pittsburgh Executive Champions to Stand, Share, Support, Sustain
Closeup of a doctor and patient shaking hands against room with large window looking on city

Stand - Personal Recognition

Commitment: By agreeing to be an Executive Champion, you're confirming that you stand along side the mission of our initiative and subscribe to the points included in the SparkPittsburgh Pledge.
Benefit: Get personally recognized in the initiative, showcasing your leadership and commitment to driving economic growth in Pittsburgh and gain a seat at the table as we discuss important healthcare issues. 

Share - Corporate Recognition

Commitment: Give your company the opportunity to sign up for the Fit City Challenge at no cost. Just connect us with the proper individual inside your organization and we will get them ready for the challenge beginning on September 1st.

Benefit: Your company logo will be prominently displayed on the SparkPittsburgh website, identifying your organization as a champion of economic success. But more importantly, your employees will be emersed in a culture of wellbeing which improves productivity, moral, and your bottom line. 
Portait of a blond girl getting streching her legs before running outdoors

Support - Community Impact

Commitment: Make a personal or corporate donation to relieve medical debt and support community health projects.

Benefit: Not only will you be doing a wonderful thing for the community by alleviating medical debt burdens, but SparkPittsburgh will also provide your company with recognition, highlighting your contribution and commitment to social responsibility.

Sustain - Explore Alternatives 

Commitment: Learn how Harris Rosen dramatically changed healthcare for his hotel employees and consider making similar investments in your employee's health. RosenCare has partnered with Pittsburgh based PeopleOne Health as their turn key solution for other employers.


Benefit:  Improve employee well-being and productivity by implementing proven, cost-effective healthcare strategies, ultimately contributing to your company's and the community's economic growth.


Doctor working at workspace with laptop computer in medical workspace office and digital medical layers diagram with glass of water and eyeglass foreground

We Deserve More Access to Better Healthcare

A Simple Solution:
Focus Primary Care 

Western Pennsylvania is home to award winning and transformational healthcare company, PeopleOne Health.  The best news they have already spent many years with a team of healthcare experts and tens of millions of dollars developing industry-leading solutions that will drive healthcare transformation.  Their credibility includes having a 95+ Net Promoter Score (NPS), one of the top customer satisfaction scores of any organization in the world.  This has led to other cities/states clamoring for these solutions, fortunately  Western PA since this is our hometown.  

The only thing we need help with is awareness and that is where we need your help and it’s part of why we've SparkPittsburgh into a community initiative.

PeopleOne Health is transforming healthcare in Western PA in 3 ways:

  1. A completely free corporate wellness platform that includes the SparkAmerica Fit City Challenge 
  2. Primary care-based health centers that deliver world-class healthcare and significant savings by keeping people healthier.  With up to $1,200 out-of-pocket savings for individuals, cost is no longer a barrier to the care people deserve. 
  3. Supporting and integrate additional high quality solutions and community organizations that catalyze this important work. Currently, a campaign is underway to relieve personal medical debt for hundreds of our neighbors through an organization called Undue Medical Debt.

It's Simple:  the more awareness we get, the more patient centered care capacity we’ll be able to build in Western PA.  This truly could save the region billions of dollars a year improve millions of lives.  Even better, our goal is to do what our partner Harris Rosen did (see below) and encourage organizations to use some of the healthcare savings to solve  important community challenges and local issues.

Fix Healthcare - Restore the American Dream

Rosen Hotels and Resorts: 
Case Study

Our partner Harris Rosen, the founder and CEO of Rosen Hotels & Resorts, has effectively tackled health care costs by deeply integrating Primary Care at the center of his employee health plan and defined moving from volume-based to value-based healthcare, reinventing their health care system. Understanding that nearly half of health care spending is wasteful, Rosen and his executive team adopted numerous components resulting in more than $500 million in savings since 1971. Their strategy includes a comprehensive 12,000-sq.-ft. primary care clinic, low copays, robust case management, and a wide array of wellness programs. These initiatives have led to health care spending per capita that is 50% less than the average employer, and single coverage for employees costs only $18.75 per week.

Rosen's approach extends beyond cost savings to significantly enhance employee well-being and community impact. By offering low-cost, high-quality health benefits, providing extensive wellness programs, and supporting education for employees and their children, Rosen Hotels & Resorts has created a healthier, more satisfied workforce with remarkably low turnover rates. The company's philanthropic efforts, such as funding preschool and college education in underserved communities, have resulted in significant social benefits, including a 63% reduction in crime and near 100% high school graduation rates in Tangelo Park. This holistic approach demonstrates the dual benefits of lower health care costs and a positive societal impact, serving as a model for other businesses.

In fact, they have partnered with Pittsburgh's PeopleOne Health to deploy their RosenCare model to employers across the state of Florida. PeopleOne's innovations in primary care

For an in depth look at this and other case studies. download a Free digital copy of David Chase's book The CEO's Guide to Restoring the American Dream. The Rosen Case Study begins on Page 59.

Rosen by the Numbers:
Business & Community Impact


Saved on healthcare 


Health Plan


High School Graduation Rate
(Up from 45%)


Crime Rate

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